The Louie Bing Athletic Scholarship Fund, Inc. selected Dr. Steve Gallon, III as the keynote speaker of the 27th Annual Louie Bing Scholarship Banquet, 2013. From his keynote address Dr. Gallon spoke to the theme of Crossroads, recounting moments of struggle, strength and salvation –phases Dr. Gallon believes one is sure to encounter in the game of life.
Speaking to the evening’s honorees, an audience comprised of former athletes, coaches, trainers and sports enthusiasts, Dr. Gallon considered halftime – a universal break session in most sports – as a neutral point in the game where one finds himself at a crossroads. A time then to rest, reflect regroup and reengage to get back in the game and win.
Dr. Gallon also reminded the audience that in the game of life, like sports, you’re never alone. He thanked honorees of the evening for standing ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ as community leaders present in the lives of many hopeful youth. The awards banquet was held at Florida Memorial University.
The Louie Bing Athletic Scholarship Fund supports many athletic memorial initiatives and aids young athletes advancing to college with financial assistance. Through its annual awards banquet, the organization honors several professionals who have dedicated their time and talent to mentoring youth and impacting community athletic programs.