Graduation Edition
It is with great honor, pride and humility that I continue to serve the students, parents, and community members of District 1. As the school year comes to a close, I want to again thank and commend you for your work in improving the learning and lives of our students and uplift of our community. Along with many challenges, this school year has also seen tremendous success and continued improvements in our District and I am extremely proud of the work that is being done by our teachers, district and school leaders, parents, and community stakeholders. It has also brought with it our serving witness to challenges and tragedies near and far, and our collective resolve and resilience to rise above them all.
Congratulations to all of our graduates and the amazing Class of 2019. Go onward, go upward, and continue to move our community, nation, and world forward.
As we near the summer months, we want to continue to encourage our students to prepare and remain engaged in educational enrichment so that we can keep this momentum and continue on our journey to improve the lives of our youth. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. I look forward to your continued support, encouragement, and efforts.
Have a Happy and Safe summer!
Let’s go!
Steve Gallon III
School Board Member, District 1
May 8, 2019 Board Meeting
2nd Annual District 1 North Miami Community Resource Fair
Dr. Gallon had a great time with community partners presenting resources and opportunities at the 2nd Annual District 1 Community Resource Fair held in partnership with the City of North Miami and the Association of Haitian Educators of Dade on May 2, 2019 at North Miami Senior High School.
He was honored to give the keynote on education and community empowerment.
All in attendance enjoyed outstanding performances by District 1 students and a great presentation honoring District 1 Principal Frank MacBride of Natural Bridge Elementary.
Dr. Gallon gave special thanks to Rodney Baltimore of Hot 105 Radio who served as host and Dr. Katsia Cadeau for her support and efforts in this event.
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Cagni Park Project
On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, Dr. Gallon was proud to be a part of the partnership with the City of North Miami in helping to see the Cagni Park Project become a reality.
The District’s $3.5 million dollar investment in this $10 million dollar project will serve to benefit the students of District 1 and the City of North Miami.
Islamic Center of Greater Miami-Masjid Miami Gardens
Dr. Gallon stood in support, love, and brotherhood and against hate, racism, and division with Dr. Samri and members of the community in celebration of Ramadam.
Meeting with AFSCME’s Vice-President
Dr. Gallon had a great meeting with P.A. Talley, Vice-President of AFSCME and a strong advocate for her members.
It is always a pleasure for Dr. Gallon to meet and listen to the perspective of members and those in the field.
Census 2020 Task Force Meeting
Dr. Gallon was humbled and honored to have been unanimously elected as Vice-Chair for the Miami-Dade County Census 2020 Task Force.
As Vice-Chair, he will be charged with helping to develop and facilitate ways to improve the identification of infant, children, and youth for the Census as well as helping to lead strategies on the engagement of community institutions and stakeholders in the process.
The Census is required by the U.S. Constitution and is to be conducted every ten years. It identifies the number of persons and is linked to several critical areas such as federal funding, voting districts, and education.
For more information go to:… /decennial-census/2020-census. html
For Census 2020 Job Opportunities go to: jobs
National Water Safety Day Event
On the morning of May 18, 2019, Dr. Gallon came out to support the National Water Safety Day Event at Bunche Park Pool in Miami Gardens with P-SWAP, HOT 105, Councilman Reggie Leon, Councilwoman Katrina Wilson-Davis, Rachel Tourgeman, Terry Wright and parents and members of the community to promote water safety.
As summer approaches, their work around water safety education is critically important to the young people. They are to be reminded that swimming must not be simply about fun but more importantly about being safe.
Dr. Gallon gave congratulations to Bridget Washington-Mckinney and Stacy Mckinney for their service and dedication to this important effort.
Special Olympics
A proud Dr. Gallon stood in support of the Special Olympics and the ability of all students and residents to compete and participate in sports.
He gave kudos to Councilman Erhabor Ighodaro and the City of Miami Gardens for their leadership and support of this event.
Ms. Patrenia Dozier-Washington’s Retirement Celebration
Dr. Gallon was honored and humbled to join so many to celebrate the retirement of Ms. Patrenia Dozier-Washington.
Ms. Dozier-Washington, a resident of District 1, has served the Miami-Dade County Public Schools for over 35 years.
He saluted her for what all she has done for children and the community.
5000 Role Models Law Enforcement Joint Conference
Dr. Gallon had a great morning attending and giving greetings at the 5000 Role Models and Law Enforcement Joint Conference.
The initiative is designed to build stronger, more positive relationships between youth and law enforcement.
2nd Annual Student of the Year Awards Luncheon
On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at the St. Thomas University Convocation Hall, Dr. Gallon hosted the 2nd Annual District 1 Student of the Year Awards Luncheon. Of nearly 40,000 students in District 1, these students were selected by their schools for areas such as outstanding attitude, academics, attendance, service, and/or improvement.
Four elementary students selected by the North Region administration team were awarded a trip to Universal Studios for winning the District-wide essay contest. Also, one winner from Carol City Middle and one winner from Miami Carol City Senior received a gift card for the amount of $150.00 for winning the middle and high school level District-wide essay contest.
Furthermore, Dr. Gallon and the District 1 administrative team presented a plaque of appreciation to Miami Norland Senior High School’s Drama teacher, Mrs. Mootchie Jacques-Alcin for her unwavering support and unrelenting guidance in District 1.
2019 KAPOW Partner Recognition Dinner Awards
Dr. Gallon was honored and humbled to give greetings and words at the 2019 KAPOW Partner Recognition Dinner and Awards held on the evening of May 22, 2019.
Miami Dolphins Partnership Meeting
Miami Dolphins Representative Mr. Haydon Dotson and Dr. Gallon had a great meeting discussing ways to support the learning and education of students in District 1.
2019 Wilson Scholars of the 5000 Role Models at their Academic Signing Day
Dr. Gallon had a great evening saluting the 2019 Wilson Scholars of the 5000 Role Models at their Academic Signing Day.
Along with Congresswoman Frederica Wilson were parents, educators, elected officials, family members and mentors applauding and supporting the achievements of these young men.
The keynote was given by the “Fly Joc” himself— Tom Joyner of the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show.
Mr. Walpole Retirement Dinner
Dr. Gallon had the opportunity to thank and salute an outstanding teacher of 45 years and an even better human being on the late afternoon of May 30, 2019.
Mr. Joseph Walpole is retiring after 45 years of teaching and positively influencing the lives of countless students.
As a wayward 9th grader on a track toward failure at Northwestern, Mr. Walpole, with a strong belief in Dr. Gallon’s ability and a book titled Manchild in the Promise Land helped to save his life.
“Don’t tell me what a great, caring teacher can’t do!
Congratulations Mr. Walpole!
Peace, love, and gratitude.
And he still calls me Stevie…” said an elated Dr. Gallon.
To view Dr. Gallon’s remarks on how Mr. Walpole changed his life, click here:
Charles D. Wyche Jr. Elementary 5th Grade Promotional Ceremony
Charles D. Wyche Jr. Elementary School received a surprise attendance to their Grade 5 Promotional Ceremony from Dr. Gallon.
He was proud to once again celebrate and honor their District 1 Student of the Year and all of the 5th grade class graduates.
Miami Norland Senior High School 2019 Commencement Ceremony
Dr. Gallon extended words of congratulations, encouragement, and comfort to Miami Norland’s Graduating Class of 2019.
American Senior High School 2019 Commencement Ceremony
Congratulations were in order from Dr. Gallon to the 2019 Class of American Senior High School as the “Patriots” put another graduation ceremony in the books.
He was honored and humbled to give greetings and a message on education, preparation, and perseverance as the Class of 2019 enters the next phase of their lives.
Miami Carol City Senior High Commencement Ceremony
Hail to the graduating Miami Carol City Chiefs Class of 2019. Dr. Gallon was honored to give greetings and words of inspiration and motivation as they prepare for the next transition of their lives.
He gave a special salute and congratulations to Principal Adrena Williams for her outstanding leadership and for crossing the “holy grail” as a high school principal with her first graduating class. Not to mention, her Principals’ Address was phenomenal.
Linda Lentin K-8 Center 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony
Dr. Gallon enjoyed celebrating and speaking as the Keynote Speaker at the 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony for Linda Lentin K-8 Center.
Congratulations to the Robert Renick Educational Center Class of 2019
Miami Northwestern Senior High School Commencement Ceremony
It is always love, respect and nostalgia when Dr. Gallon attends his Alma Mater—Miami Northwestern Senior High School graduations.
Having led 7 graduations as principal, the tradition, history, and the overall atmosphere never get old.
He gave a special shout out to his first graduating class—the inaugural class of Failure is not an Option—Class of 99.
Jan Mann Educational Center Commencement Ceremony
“It’s not how you start. It’s how you finish” were the words that Dr. Gallon left with Jan Mann’s graduating Class of 2019.
These three young men finished strong and are on their way to a more promising, productive future.
North Miami Senior High Commencement Ceremony
Dr. Gallon delivered a heart felt speech to the North Miami Senior High Class of 2019 and left them with this following message:
“Go out into the world and “pioneer” your path toward your life dreams and work.”

Upcoming Events
School Board Meeting
June 19, 2019