Dr. Steve Gallon III was proud and excited to support and speak at Fathers MIA Spring Gala to stand in support of young ladies and provide scholarships toward their education.
He was also proud of the men who are committed to stand up and provide, protect, and be present in the lives of our girls.
Kudos to Gernald Hawkins Sr. and the visionaries of Fathers MIA. Dr. Steve Gallon III believes in the organization’s objective in providing instructions that will shed light on the gifts embedded in children and the manifestation brought by the guidance and direction of their father.
The organization aspire to network with other organizations, including neighborhood churches with a member or group members who will make a commitment to Father/Children related services such as tutoring, team sports, field trips, religious studies, mentoring and extend, educational and charitable works, such as Emotional literacy and rehabilitation counseling and facilities. These programs will assist and develop Fathers/Children to become productive contributors to their local community and society at large.
It provides a mentoring program to assist and develop the Fathers to be productive contributors to their local community and society at large. It also provides a bridge between fathers and children for reconciliation. Provide father and son retreats. Provide father and daughter date nights/dancing. Provide training in having healthy relationships with their children.
Dr. Steve Gallon III believes that mentoring is a way to develop and retain quality leaders, and it is an especially successful tool when looking to develop female leaders within a company. A mentoring program is important if we expect to grow and nurture not only existing female leaders, but new ones too. If a company is serious about growing female leaders, they might consider investing in a mentoring program. The very nature of the relationship speaks to female leaders on a level that many other corporate programs do not. In The Relationship Experience, organizational theorist and leadership expert Richard Daft says, “[Women] tend to be more collaborative and are more concerned with relationship building, inclusiveness, participation and caring.”
Through my own experience with mentoring, I can attest that Daft’s quote is accurate. Mentoring changed my life. I admit that’s a strong statement, but the outcome truly did make a huge difference in my career as a woman in technology and impacted the decisions I have made about my career.
Dr. Steve Gallon III also believes that there is nothing more valuable than this type of relationship for women leaders. It’s not easy to find this sort of guidance within your own organization, especially with the glass ceiling still difficult to break through. I encourage any woman leader to find a mentor, either formally through a nationwide program or informally through a professional organization, unless you are fortunate enough to have a program within your own company. It is well worth your time and energy.