Dr Steve Gallon (02-25-2016)
02-25-2016 Are you Election Ready? http://www.miamidade.gov/elections/voter-registration.asp #GallonforChange2016
02-23-2016 Attending the National Action Network, South Florida Chapter Revival. A powerful word from Pastor Jamal Bryant. “It’s Time to Get in Formation.” The Choice for 2016: Change or more of the same. We can do better! #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict1 [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1559,1560,1561,1562,1563,1564,1565,1566″]
02-22-2016 Today I stood with a heavy heart and angry spirit. I pray that God comforts both. For the first time in my 25 years working in education in the urban core, I had to stand with and help comfort one of my former students who lost his 6-year old son to senseless gun violence.…
02-20-2016 In the meantime. This District 1 School Board election must be about the education of our children. There is no work more critical. This must be our focus—this must be the conversation. Thanks for allowing me a few moments to share my experiences as an educator and my vision for improving and supporting educators…
02-19-2016 This year will be the time to choose a School Board Member for District 1 who is most qualified and proven to support educators and improve the learning of our children. The Choice for 2016: Change of more of the same. We can do better! #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict1 #IAmAnEducationalLeader
02-18-2016 #GallonforChange2016 Www.DrSteveGallon.com
02-15-2016 Humbled to join so many friends, classmates, colleagues, and community members to celebrate the life, legacy, and leadership of the late Dr. Gilbert L. Porter and the release of his biography written by noted author Abraham Thomas. [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513″]
02-15-2016 Pleased to attend the Foundation for New Education Initiatives Gala. Kudos to Superintendent Alberto Carvalho and the members of the Host Committee for a spectacular gala to support public education. #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict1 @gallonforchange2016 [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1501,1502,1503,1504″]
02-14-2016 UPPAC Meeting: Discussing the present and future state of education in our community and future of our children. The Choice for 2016: Change or more of the same. We can do better! #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict1 @gallonforchange2016 [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1493,1494,1495,1496,1497,1498″]