Dr Steve Gallon (03-06-2016)
03-06-2016 Dr. Steve Gallon, III making the case why he is the best candidate for Miami Dade School Board, District 1 at the Black Nurses Association Miami Chapter Unity Breakfast. #GallonforChange #SchoolBoardD1
03-06-2016 Dr. Steve Gallon, III making the case why he is the best candidate for Miami Dade School Board, District 1 at the Black Nurses Association Miami Chapter Unity Breakfast. #GallonforChange #SchoolBoardD1
03-05-2016 Dr. Steve Gallon III speaking to the issues and solutions of the violence beseeching our communities at Cox Media Group roundtable. #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardD1
03-04-2016 It was a great day talking to voters about education and my vision and plans for improving the learning and lives of our students and overall experiences of stakeholders. It’s especially humbling to walk into a room and see so many familiar faces including Ms. Thompson, a retired teacher who recalled me as a…
03-04-2016 Over a year of urban pain and promise in these pictures. Which will we ensure for our children and community? Pain or promise? Yesterday, another murder in broad daylight. We are in a state of emergency. View and share. https://flipagram.com/f/l867aXmgoR
03-02-2016 The position belongs to the people. Not a person. It is always a pleasure speaking with voters about the present and future state of education in our community and what makes me the Choice for Change for the School Board for District 1. The Choice for 2016: Change or more of the same. This…
02-29-2016 EARLY VOTING begins TODAY and runs through March 13th for the Presidential Primary. For locations and hours check out the link:http://www.miamidade.gov/elections/vote-early.asp
02-29-2016 Dr. Steve Gallon, III discussing the Code of Silence – Youth & Gun Violence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tbMW8h1cAs&sns=em #GallonforChange2016 #ChoiceforChange #SchoolBoardD1
02-28-2016 Proud to serve as a guest on the talk show “Issues” along with Major Ricky Carter of the Miami-Dade County Police Department to discuss issues facing the youth and community in the urban core. Tune in tomorrow on Sunday, February 28th at 12:00 pm on WPBT2. The Choice for 2016: Change or more of…
02-28-2016 Proud to support and be a sponsor for the South Broward Alumnae Chapter’s Red Shoe Luncheon and Fundraiser to support children and youth. The Choice for 2016: Change or more of the same. #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1585,1586,1587,1588,1589″]
02-28-2016 Campaign Prayer Breakfast. Special thanks to Pastor Arthur Jackson III and First Lady Kimberly Jackson for hosting this event. The Choice for 2016: Change or more of the same. #GallonforChange2016 #SchoolBoardDistrict1 [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1576,1577,1578,1579,1580,1581″]