Gallon’s Good News
May/June 2020 Issue
I hope that this Newsletter finds you and your family with the joy and relaxation of the summer. Although the 2019-2020 school year has come to a close, I want to again thank and commend you for your work in improving the learning and lives of our students and uplift of our community. This year has presented undeniable challenges for many parents and teachers who had to ensure that their kids and students remain engaged in education through distance learning while keeping them and their families safe from Covid-19. Along with these and other challenges, this school year has also seen tremendous success and continued improvements in our District and I am extremely proud of the work that is being done by our teachers, district and school leaders, parents, and community stakeholders. It has also brought with it our serving witness to challenges and tragedies near and far, and our collective resolve and resilience to rise above them all.
Congratulations to all of our graduates and the amazing Class of 2020. Go onward, go upward, and continue to move our community, nation, and world forward.
During the summer months, we want to continue to encourage our students to prepare and remain engaged in educational enrichment so that we can keep this momentum and continue on our journey to improve the lives of our youth. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. I look forward to your continued support, encouragement, and efforts.
Have a Happy and Safe summer!
Let’s go!
Steve Gallon III
School Board Vice Chair, District 1
Congratulations!!!! 4 More Years…

To watch the full video of this discussion, please visit the link below:
To watch part four of this series along with the previous town hall series, please click on the link below:
Dr. Gallon prepared and delivered his virtual 2020 Commencement Greetings and Remarks for North Miami Senior, Norland Senior, Carol City Senior and Jan Mann Opportunity School onsite at each school. He was humbled and honored to provide words of inspiration and encouragement to the Class of 2020.
To view all of District 1’s graduation ceremonies, please click on the school links below:
North Miami Senior:
Jan Mann Educational Center:
Miami Carol City Senior:
Miami Norland Senior:
Conversation on Power Hour
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Dr. Gallon had the honor of being a guest speaker on the Power Hour hosted by Linda Julien, to discuss the adverse impact of Covid-19 on the Black community.
To get more insight on this discussion, please click on the link below:
Real Talk in the Teacher’s Lounge
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Dr. Gallon had a great evening on “Real Talk in the Teacher’s Lounge” with UTD President Karla Hernandez Mats discussing issues of public education in Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the State of Florida, as well as the impact that COVID-19 is having on education, especially in underserved communities of color and poverty.
“It was a great opportunity to “keep it real” in the Teacher’s Lounge with those on the front lines on behalf of our students,” said Dr. Gallon.
To view the full discussion, please click on the link below:
What’s Next for Our Public Schools?
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Dr. Gallon stood alongside Pastor Jackson and other Faith-based partners at the Interdenominational Press Conference for Justice hosted by Antioch Missionary Baptist Church on June 2, 2020. Pastors, Rabbis and Imams, representing thousands of people, came together to say, Enough is Enough!
Please click on the link below to view this televised event:
Gasping for Air: Navigating Blackness
Gasping for Air: Navigating Blackness
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- The Culture sits down with Dr. Steve Gallon, III to get this announcement plus update on distant learning, High School graduation and more https://www.facebook.
com/permalink.php?story_fbid= 2557568311124674&id= 100006145906927 - Dr. Steve Gallon III: Opportunity | Hero of a 1000 Faces | WLRN
Whh4sGfUuvU - How to Navigate the Impact of COVID19 On the Education System Interview with Dr. Steve Gallon III
- I Am the Narrative: Courageous Conversations About Racial Disparities
_0r-9j4QNXk - Gasping for Air: Being Black in America-A Conversation with Dr. Gallon