May 2018 Newsletter
May 16, 2018 Board Meeting

1st Annual North Miami Community Resource Fair
Great turnout at the 1st Annual Community Resource Fair in partnership with the Association of Haitian American Educators and various university and community partners.
Dr. Gallon gives special thanks and commendation to Dr. Katsia Cadeau and Ms. Bernadette Toussaint Pierre for their leadership and efforts in spearheading and organizing this event.
2017-2018 Values Matter Miami Awards Ceremony
On May 10, 2018, Dr. Gallon attended the 2017-2018 Values Matter Miami Awards Ceremony where he proudly congratulated the student award winners.
UPPAC Meeting
Dr. Gallon had a great time hearing and discussing educational issues and concerns to members of UPPAC at the Greater New Bethel Baptist Church. He also provided them with all District 1 updates.
IB Program Evaluation
Meeting with Vice Mayor Erhabor Ighodaro
Vice Mayor Erhabor Ighodaro and Dr. Gallon had a productive meeting exploring new and innovative ways to partner with Miami Gardens on behalf of students and the community.
Meeting with the New CEO of the Miami Children's Initiative
JB Turken End of the Year Kindness Celebration
Ramadan Dinner and Open House
On May 17, 2018, Dr. Gallon showed his support by attending the Islamic Center of Greater Miami’s Ramadan Dinner and Open House.
Haitian Flag Day
North Miami Senior High hosted their Haitian Flag Day Educational and Cultural Celebration where Dr. Gallon attended and enjoyed the festivities