Gallon touts power of public schools
Speech shared with attendees during welcome to CUBE conference in Miami
Miami Times Staff ReportOct 2, 2019Miami-Dade County Public Schools Board Member Steve Gallon III welcomed attendees to the Council of Urban Boards of Education national conference held in Miami Sept. 26-28.
CUBE Vice Chair Gallon reminded attendees that as school board members, leaders and educators, and stakeholders for students, that they must continue to unapologetically stand, speak, and fight for access to high quality education, opportunities, and outcomes for all students.
“Despite the thunderous, cacophonous roar and rallies against public education, especially in urban school districts serving children of color, powerful winds of possibility, potential, prosperity, and promise still blow. The power is in your hands, heads, and hearts. Use it. Your children and community are depending on you,” Gallon said.
Attendees to the CUBE annual conference hone leadership skills through practical clinic sessions and peer-led district workshops. CUBE has convened school board members from across the nation for the past 51 years to network and share strategies they are using to address educational challenges that exist in our nation’s urban centers.
School Board Vice Chair Martin Karp, Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, and several other district staff members were in attendance. In addition, CUBE conference attendees visited two district schools, iPrep Academy and William H. Turner Technical Arts High School, as a part of the school site visit component of the conference